Plant of the Month

Purple Glory Tree


General Properties

Plant Name: Tibouchina granulosa - Purple Glory Tree
Common Names: Purple Glory Tree, Princess Flower
Plant Type: Evergreen Shrub,evergreen Tree,shrub,small Tree
Origin: Brazil
Family: Melastomataceae
Height (ft): 20
Growth: Medium
Hardiness Zones: 10b-11
Salt Tolerance: Low
Drought: Medium
Soil pH: Acidic, Slightly Acidic, Neutral
Soil Type: Acid,moist,well-drained
Soil Drainage: Moist, Well Drained
Light: Medium,high
Nutrition: Medium

Flower & Leaf Properties

Flower Property: Attractive,showy
Flower Color: Purple
Foliage Color: Green
Leaf Property: Simple, Opposite, Ovate
Leaf Texture: Coarse
Season: Fall, Spring, Summer

Other Properties

Uses: Small Flowering Tree, Flowering Shrub, Screen, Hedge, Specimen, Container Plant, Espalier, Trellis, Trained As A Standard
Propagate: Cuttings
Fruit: Inconspicuous, About 1/2", Brown, Round, Dry And Hard
Problems: Scale, Mites, Mushroom Root Rot, Nematodes
Notes: One of the most outstanding purple-flowering trees for South Florida. Has winged young stems. Needs full sun for best flowering but benefits from afternoon shade in hot summer climates. Attracts bees and butterflies.
Photo by Getting Green Plant Service.
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