Plant of the Month



General Properties

Plant Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Chinese Hibiscus
Common Names: Tropical Hibiscus, Chinese Hibiscus, China Rose, Hawaiian Hibiscus, Shoeblackplant
Plant Type: Evergreen Shrub,shrub,small Tree
Origin: Tropical Asia (Exact Origin Unknown)
Family: Malvaceae
Height (ft): 15
Growth: Fast
Hardiness Zones: 9b-12
Salt Tolerance: Medium
Drought: Medium
Soil pH: Acidic, Slightly Acidic, Neutral, Slightly Alkaline
Soil Type: Wide
Soil Drainage: Moist, Well Drained
Light: Medium,high
Nutrition: High

Flower & Leaf Properties

Flower Property: Attractive,bell-shaped,showy
Flower Color: Orange, Pink, Red, Salmon, White, Yellow
Foliage Color: Green, Variegated
Leaf Property: Simple, Alternate, Ovate
Leaf Texture: Medium
Season: Year-round

Other Properties

Uses: Flowering Specimen Shrub, Hedges, Container Plant, Border, Mass Planting, Foundation Plant, Trained As A Standard, Espalier, Houseplant, Attracts Butterflies And Hummingbirds
Propagate: Cuttings, Grafting, Air-layering, Seeds
Fruit: Oval Capsule
Problems: Nematodes, Scales, Aphids. Fe Deficiency. Bud Drop Can Be A Result Of Inconsistent Watering Or Over-fertilization.
Notes: A frost-tender evergreen shrub that grows best in full sun or dappled shade. Blooms last for 1-2 days and are edible. Can be trained into a small tree. Hibiscus can be sensitive to stress or changing conditions.
Photo by Floral Acres Llc.
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